
Specialty clinics and services

  • Pain clinic and acute pain management

Pain clinic OP is run on a regular basis on Wednesdays and Saturdays with round the clock services offered by the duty Medical Officer. Patients are also seen in wards on a cross consultation basis. Treatment modalities include conservative measures including oral opioids and invasive measures like specific nerve blocks when necessary.
The department also manages acute post-operative pain and that of trauma victims (e.g. fracture ribs) by modalities including parenteral medication, central neuraxial blocks and nerve blocks.

  • Epidural labour analgesia
  • Palliative care services

With socio-psychological support & provision of drugs for terminally ill patients


Sl. No.

Name of the Clinic

Days on which held


Average no. of cases attended

Name of Clinic In-charge


Pain Clinic

Monday to Saturday

10 am - 1 pm &

on demand

8-10 new patients/month

Dr. Shaloo Ipe


Pre-Anaesthetic Clinic

Monday to Saturday

10 am – 1pm

2pm - 4pm

18-20 / day

Dr. Sam Philip


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Appointment Booking

0484 715 5621, 0484 310 5621, 0484 288 5621